Ladies, when it comes to tummy troubles are you the “suffer in silence” type? It turns out you’re not alone. Renew Life® recently conducted a surveyi about how often women experience digestive health issues (and how likely they are to talk about those issues) and the answers were surprising.
Despite the fact that nearly three quarters of the women surveyed said they experienced an occasional digestive upset in the past year, 64% said they prefer not to talk about gut issues with their friends. The reason? Many women still consider gut health a “taboo” topic and would rather discuss unpopular opinions than their tummy issues (49% vs. 36%).
To help put the topic of gut health on the table, we are launching our “Get to Know Your Gut” campaign in an effort to help educate women about the importance of digestive health—including the connection between the gut ecosystem and overall health, as well as the benefits of taking a daily probiotic supplement.
Probiotics play an important role in supporting ongoing digestive health and immune function, but things like everyday stress, diet and aging may upset the healthy bacterial balance in the gut.* Our Ultimate Flora™ probiotic line offers specially designed formulas for everyone in the family—from kids to seniors—to support digestive balance and immune health every day.*
i 1 This survey was conducted online within the United States by Harris Poll on behalf of Renew Life Probiotics from November 9-11, 2016among 1,127 U.S. women ages 18 and older. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated. For complete survey methodology, including weighting variables, please contact Katie Young at